姓 名 | 高见 |
性 别 | 男 |
出生年月 | 1990年1月 |
学 位 | 博士 |
职 称 | 副教授 |
E-mail | gaojian1612@163.com |
高见,博士,男,山东济宁人,副教授,硕士生导师,现任安徽省皖江流域种群生态模拟与控制国际联合研究中心主任。2013年本科毕业于武汉纺织大学,2017年硕士毕业于江苏师范大学,2021年博士毕业于上海理工大学,2021年12月破格晋升副教授。在国内外学术期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,目前担任Physical Review E、Chaos、Chaos, Solitons and Fractals、Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation、Chemical physics、 Chemical physics Letters和IEEE Access等国际期刊的审稿人。
1.参与国家自然科学基金面上项目“无增湿PEM燃料电池产物水动态特性的原位监测和传递机制研究”(No. 21776119),资助金额70万,结题。
2.主持国家自然科学基金青年项目“基于斑图动力学的温带落叶林入侵害虫空间分布及控制研究”(No. 12205006),资助金额30万,在研。
3.主持安徽省高校省级自然科学优秀青年科研项目“温带落叶林入侵害虫的空间分布斑图及控制研究”(No. 2022AH030107),资助金额50万, 在研。
4. 参与安徽省高校省级自然科学创新团队科研项目“种群生态模拟与保护”,资助金额200万,在研。
[21]Jian Gao*, Changgui Gu, Yongshang Long, Xiyun Zhang, Chuansheng Shen, Huijie Yang. Collective behaviors of animal groups may stem from visual lateralization—Tending to obtain information through one eye. Chaos 34: 043147 (2024).
[20]Huimin Zhang, Jian Gao*, Changgui Gu, Yongshang Long, Chuansheng Shen, Huijie Yang. Turing-like patterns induced by the competition between two stable states in a discrete-time predator–prey model. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 180: 114481 (2024).
[19]Jian Gao*, Changgui Gu, Huijie Yang, Chuansheng Shen. Effects of the hierarchical lockdown control measure on the dynamic mechanism of individuals' locomotor activities. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 175: 113980 (2023).
[18]Xin Wang, Jian Gao*, Changgui Gu, Daiyong Wu, Xinshuang Liu, Chuansheng Shen. Composite spiral waves in discrete-time systems. Physical Review E 108: 044205 (2023).
[17]Jian Gao*, Xin Wang, xinshuang Liu, Chuansheng Shen. Turing/Turing-like patterns: Products of random aggregation of spatial components. Chinese Physics B 32: 070503 (2023).
[16]Youwei Yang, Daiyong Wu, Chuansheng Shen, Jian Gao, Feng Lu. Impacts of fear effect and nonlocal competition on a diffusive prey–predator model with delay. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 69(2): 2155-2176 (2023).
[15]Jian Gao*, Xin Wang, Changgui Gu, Chuansheng Shen, Huijie Yang. Irregular spots on body surfaces of vertebrates induced by supercritical pitchfork bifurcations. Chaos 32: 013129(2022).
[14] Yang Liu, Jian Gao, Haiying Wang, Sherehe Semba, Changgui Gu, Huijie Yang. Families' influence on romantic relationship and its reconstruction. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 155:111662(2022).
[13]Wangjun Xu, Daiyong Wu, Jian Gao, Chuansheng Shen*. Mechanisms of stable species coexistence in food chain systems: strength of odor disturbance and group defense. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals:X 8:100073 (2022).
[12]Youwei Yang, Daiyong Wu*, Chuansheng Shen, Jian Gao, Fengping Lu. Impacts of fear effect and nonlocal competition on a diffusive prey-predator model with delay. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 69(2): 2155-76 (2022).
[11]Jian Gao*, Changgui Gu, Chuansheng Shen, Huijie Yang. Spiral waves in population density distributions of invasive pests in warm-temperate deciduous forest ecosystems. Europhysics Letters 136: 30005(2021).
[10]Jian Gao, Changgui Gu*, Huijie Yang. Applying a global pulse-disturbance to eliminate spiral waves in models of cardiac muscle. Chinese Physics B 30: 070501(2021).
[9]Jian Gao, Changgui Gu*, Huijie Yang, Man Wang. A flight formation mechanism: The weight of repulsive force. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 95: 105648 (2020).
[8]Jian Gao, Changgui Gu*, Huijie Yang, Tongfeng Weng. Excited state of spiral waves in oscillatory reaction-diffusion systems caused by a pulse. Physical Review E 101(4): 042219 (2020).
[7]Jian Gao, Changgui Gu*, Huijie Yang, Tongfeng Weng. A type of bi-stable spiral wave in a single-period oscillatory medium. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 85: 105233 (2020).
[6]Jian Gao, Changgui Gu*, Huijie Yang, Tongfeng Weng. Prediction of spatial distribution of invasive alien pests in two-dimensional systems based on a discrete time model. Ecological Engineering 143(15): 105673 (2020).
[5]Jian Gao, Changgui Gu*, Huijie Yang. Spiral waves with interfacial oscillatory chemical reactions emerge in a model of reaction-diffusion systems. Chemical Physics 528: 110507 (2020).
[4]Jian Gao, Changgui Gu*, Huijie Yang, Tongfeng Weng. Size of a steady disturbance source affects the frequency of a target wave. AIP Advances 9: 085034 (2019).
[3]Jian Gao, Changgui Gu*. Super multi-armed and segmented spiral pattern in a reaction-diffusion model. IEEE Access PP(99):1-1 (2019).
[2]Jian Gao, Qun Wang*, Huaping Lv. Super-spiral structures of bi-stable spiral waves and a new instability of spiral waves. Chemical Physics Letters 685: 205-209 (2017).
[1]Jian Gao*, Qun Wang, Huaping Lv. A new type of instability of spiral waves induced by resonance effects. Chemical Physics Letters 685: 10-13 (2016).