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发布时间:2022-07-13 发布者:数理学院; 浏览次数:

 姓 名


性 别


1992 年 5 月

学 位


职 称




刘琪, 男 , 1992 年 5 月出生, 安徽东至人, 理学博士。 2015 年 7 月本科毕业于安庆师范大学,2022 年 6 月在中山大学获理学博士学位,2022 年 10 月遴选为硕士生导师。 主要感兴趣的研究方向为泛函分析领域中的 Banach 空间几何理论、Banach 空间的向量积理论、分数阶微分方程以及泛函方程的稳定性理论。担任 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics,Filomat, Fractal and Fractional,Mathematics 等国际 SCI 学术期刊审稿人, 担任美国《数学评论》评论员,已在数学学报(中文版),中国科学(数学,中文版),J. Math. Anal. Appl., Optimization., Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.,Aequat. Math 等国内外重要学术期刊发表论文十余篇。英雄不问出处,欢迎热爱基础数学的同学报考我的研究生。


[1] Gang Lu, Qi Liu, Yuanfeng Jin, Jun Xie. 3-variable Jensen ρ-functional inequalities and equations, J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl,2016.

[2] Gang Lu, Jun Xie, Yuanfeng Jin and Qi Liu. Functional inequalities in vector Banach space, Journal of computational analysis and applications, 2017.

[3] Yongjin Li, Qi Liu, Qingying Bu. On Cohen weakly nuclear multilinear operators (in Chinese), 中国科学(数学), 2020.

[4] Anwarud Din, Yongjin Li , Qi Liu. Viral dynamics and control of hepatitis B virus (HBV) using an epidemic model, Alexandria Engineering Journal,2020.

[5] Aliyu AI, Yongjin Li, Qi Liu, Inc M, Baleanu D, Alshomrani AS. Lump-Type and Bell-Shaped Soliton Solutions of the Time-Dependent Coefficient Kadomtsev-Petviashvili Equation, Front. Phys, 2020.

[6] Qi Liu, Muhammad Sarfraz, Yongjin Li. Some aspects of generalized Zbaganu and James constant in Banach spaces, Demonstratio Mathematica,2021.

[7] Qi Liu, Chuanjiang Zhou,Muhammad Sarfraz, Yongjin Li. On New Moduli Related to the Generalization of the Parallelogram Law, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc,2021.

[8] Shaoyong Zhang, Qi Liu, Yongjin Li. Order Continuity of Positive Tensor Products of Banach Lattices, 数学学报(中文版), 2021.

[9] Qi Liu, Shaomo Zhuang, Yongjin Li. Additive double ρ-functional inequalities in β-homogeneous F-spaces, Journal of mathematical inequalities, 2021.

[10] Muhammad Sarfraz, Fawad Ali, Qi Liu, Yongjin Li. Characterization of a group-norm by maximum functional equation and stability results, ScienceAsia, 2021.

[11] Qi Liu, Yongjin Li. On a New Geometric Constant Related to the Euler-Lagrange Type Identity in Banach Spaces, Mathematics, 2021.

[12] Huayou Xie Qi LiuYongjin Li. The generalized rectangular constant on isosceles orthogonality, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 2021.

[13] Qi Liu, Linlin Fu, Yongjin Li. On the Stability of Orthogonal Additivity in β-Homogeneous F -Spaces, Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications, 2022.

[14] Dongwen Zhang, Qi Liu, Rassias John, Yongjin Li. The Stability of Functional Equations with a New Direct Method, Mathematics, 2022.

[15] Linlin Fu, Qi Liu*, Yongjin Li. On the stability of orthogonally Jensen additive and quadratic functional equation, J. Math. Anal. Appl, 2023.

[16] Wenlong Sun, Yuanfeng Jin, Zufeng Peng, Qi Liu. Two new self-adaptive algorithms for solving split common fixed point problems with multiple output sets, Optimization, 2023.

[17] Gang Lu,  Wenlong Sun, Yuanfeng Jin, Qi Liu. Ulam Stability of Jensen Functional Inequality on a Class of Noncommutative Groups,Journal of Function Spaces,2023.

[18] Yuankang Fu, Zhijian Yang,Yongjin Li, Qi Liu. On Some Skew Constants in Banach Spaces,Kyungpook Mathematical Journal,2023.

[19] Qi Liu, Aeshah A. Raezah, Anwarud Din. Lévy impact on the transmission of worms in wireless sensor network: Stochastic analysis,Results in physics,2023.

[20] Yin Zhou(指导的硕士研究生), Qichuan Ni(指导的本科生), Qi Liu. Geometric constants and orthogonality in Banach spaces,Contributions to Mathematics,2023.

[21] Yiheng Hu, Gang Lu, Yuanfeng Jin,  Qi Liu. Exploration of indispensable Banach-space valued functions,AIMS Mathematics,2023.

[22] Qi Liu, Anwarud Din, Amina Allali. Analysis of a multiply delayed stochastic Ebola model based on probability density function with case study, Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 2023.

[23] Muhammad Sarfraz, Jiang Zhou, Qi Liu,  Yongjin Li. Generalized Vincze’s functional equations on any group in connection with the maximum functional equation, Aequat. Math, 2024.

[24] Qichuan Ni(指导的本科生), Qi Liu*, Yin Zhou(指导的硕士研究生), Qin Qian(指导的本科生). The Constants to Measure the Differences Between Isosceles and α-β Orthogonalities, European Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 2024.

[25] Qichuan Ni(指导的本科生), Qi Liu*, Yin Zhou(指导的硕士研究生). Skew generalized von Neumann-Jordan constant in Banach spaces, Hacet. J. Math. Stat, 2024.

[26] Yang Xu, Zhouping Yin, Yuanzhi Wang, Qi Liu and Anwarud Din. Mittag-Leffler projective synchronization of uncertain fractional-order fuzzy complex valued neural networks with distributed and time-varying delays, AIMS Mathematics, 2024.


非常欢迎同样对数学有浓厚兴趣的学生。大家一起学习数学、研究数学。本人每学期会开讨论班,一般每周一个半天或更多,欢迎有兴趣的同学参加。 讨论班安排:每周五下午17:00--18:30.  地点:数理楼六楼空教室,一般在601教室或者602教室。


讨论班读书计划 [1]  Evans, L.C.,  Gariepy, R.F.: Measure Theory and Fine Properties of Functions—Revised Edition.Text 
books in Mathematics. CRC Press, Boca Raton (2015)   [2] V.Ambrosio, Nonlinear fractional Schrödinger equations in R^N” ,Cham, Birkhäuser/Springer, 2021, p. xvii+662.

受美国《数学评论》邀请作为评论员,对世界顶级数学类期刊 Invent. Math. 上发表的“Banach's isometric subspace problem in dimension four”一文进行专题评论。


Yongjin Li, Qi Liu et al. The Geometric Constants in Banach Spaces. Eliva Press.  ISBN: 978-9994986071, 2023.








