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发布时间:2022-04-26 发布者:数理学院; 浏览次数:

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张玮玮, 男, 汉族, 1982年4月出生, 安徽桐城人, 中共党员, 硕士, 副教授. 研究方向:混沌系统的控制与同步. 已公开发表教科研论文20余篇。

一、 讲授课程:数学分析、高等数学、常微分方程、线性规划。

二、 教学和获奖情况



3、主持2021年省级教研项目“基于微课的《常微分方程》课程翻转课堂教学模式的探索与实践”(No. 2021jyxm0883)。


1、主持安庆师范学院青年自然科学基金项目"混沌系统的控制与同步"(No. KJ1200010000013).

2、主持安徽省高校自然科学基金研究项目"分数阶混沌系统的控制与同步"(No. AQKJ2014B012 ) .

3、参与安徽省自然科学基金项目"非线性波动方程的同、异宿轨分支与混沌"(No. 11040606M12 ).

4、主持2018年安徽省高校自然科学研究重点项目“基于比较原理的分数阶时滞神经网络系统的同步性研究"(No. KJ2018A0365) .

5、参与2019年安徽省自然科学基金面上项目"分数阶时滞神经网络系统的动力学研究" (No. 1908085MA01).

6、参与2019安徽省高校自然科学研究重点项目“四元素神经网络系统的动力学行为研究”(No. KJ2019A0573).


[1]Weiwei Zhang, Dingyuan Chen, Synchronization of a new fractional order hyperchaotic system with activation feedback control, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013.

[2]Weiwei Zhang, Dingyuan Chen, Synchronization between two different fractional order hyperchaotic systems, Advanced Materials Research, 2013.

[3]Weiwei Zhang,Dingyuan Chen, Adaptive synchronization between two different fractional order hyperchaotic systems, Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, 2014.

[4] Weiwei Zhang, Dingyuan Chen, Generalized Synchronization of Fractional Order Chaotic System with Unequal Orders, Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal, 2015.

[5]张玮玮, 吴然超. 基于线性控制的分数阶混沌系统的对偶投影同步, 应用数学和力学, 2016.

[6]Weiwei Zhang, Dingyuan Chen,Hybrid projective synchronization of different dimensional fractional order chaotic systems with time delay and different orders, Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2017.

[7]Weiwei Zhang, Jinde Cao, Ahmed Alsaedi, et al.New methods of finite-time synchronization for a class of fractional-order delayed neural networks, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017.

[9]Weiwei Zhang, Jinde Cao, Ahmed Alsaedi, Fuad E. Alsaadi,Synchronization of time delayed fractional-order chaotic financial system, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2017.

[8]Weiwei Zhang, Ranchao Wu, Jinde Cao, et al. Synchronization of a class of fractional-order neural networks with multiple time delays by comparison principles,Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 2017.

[9] Weiwei Zhang, Jinde Cao, Dingyuan Chen, et al. Synchronization in fractional-order complex- valued delayed neural networks, Entropy, 2018.

[10] Weiwei Zhang, Jinde Cao,Ranchao Wu, et al. Projective synchronization of fractional-order delayed neural networks based on the comparison principle, Advances in Difference Equations, 2018.

[11] Weiwei Zhang, Jinde Cao,Ranchao Wu, et al. Novel results on projective synchronization of fractional-order neural networks with multiple time delays, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2018.

[12]Weiwei Zhang, Jinde Cao, Ranchao Wu , et al. Lag projective synchronization of fractional-order delayed chaotic systems, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2019.

[13]Weiwei Zhang, Jinde Cao, Dingyuan Chen, Ahmed Alsaedi. Out lag synchronization of fractional order delayed complex networks with coupling delay via pinning control, Complexity, 2019.

[14]Weiwei Zhang, Hai Zhang, Jinde Cao, et al. Synchronization in uncertain fractional-order memristive complex-valued neural networks with multiple time delays, Neural Networks, 2019.

[15]Weiwei Zhang, Hai Zhang, Jinde Cao, et al. Synchronization of delayed fractionalorder complex -valued neural networks with leakage delay, Physica A, 2020.

[16]Weiwei Zhang, Chunlin sha, Jinde Cao, et al. Adaptive quaternion projective synchronization of fractional order delayed neuralnetworks in quaternion field, Applied Mathematics and Computation2021.

[17]Weiwei Zhang,Hongyong Zhao, Chunlin sha, Yuan Wang. Finite time synchronization of delayed quaternion valued neural networks with fractional order, Neural Processing Letters, 2021.  

[18]Weiwei Zhang, Hai Zhang, Jinde Cao, Hongmei Zhang, et al. Global projective synchronization in fractional‐order quaternion valued neural networks, Asian Journal of Control, 2022.



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