
作者:数理学院; 时间:2022-04-26

姓 名


性 别



学 位


职 称


岗 位










2016.3-2017.2,University of Southamptonn,UK, Optoelectronics,Academic Visitor。







1. 2018年,光电功能器件的设计与制备, 河南省教育厅科技成果一等奖,第一

2. 2017年,光栅器件与物理, 河南省教育厅科技成果二等奖,第二

3. 2015年,河南省教育系统教学技能竞赛二等奖

4. 2013年,河南省教育厅学术技术带头人

5. 2012年,河南省高等学校青年骨干教师


1. 主持国家自然科学基金,可重构超材料基二维过渡金属硫化物的光电特性及纳米器件研究(U1804165)。

2. 主持国家自然科学基金,各向异性特异材料对电磁波脉冲调控作用的研究(10904032)。

3. 主持中国博士后基金,基于各向异性特异材料的界面模和波导模的理论与实验研究(20100480629)。

4. 主持河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目,特异材料复合结构中的能量输运及类量子现象研究(14A140011)

5. 主持河南省高校青年骨干教师计划项目,单负特异材料及其复合结构的电磁特性与应用研究(2012GGJS-060)

6. 主持河南省教育厅自然科学基金,电磁波在单负材料结构中的输运与控制(2010B140005)

7. 参与国家自然科学基金,石墨烯基二氧化钒薄膜的相变调控及同步辐射研究(11405045)

8. 参与国家自然科学基金,锑烯基异质结自旋电子结构的调控(11804081)。

9. 参与河南省创新型科技团队,微尺度理论模拟与设计(CXTD2017089).

10. 参与河南省高等学校重点科研项目,基于类磷烯量子自旋霍尔绝缘体的理论计算(19A140009)

11. 参与河南省高等学校重点科研项目,双原子层二维磷化碳光电特性的理论研究(18A140018).

12. 参与河南省高等学校重点科研项目,IV族类石墨烯纳米结构的等离子激发研究(16A140009)

13. 参与上海市自然科学基金,零有效折射率材料的电磁特性研究(10ZR1431800)


1. L.W.Zhang, R.F.Waters, K. F. MacDonald, N. I. Zheludev, Cellular Automata Dynamics of Nonlinear Optical Processes in a Phase-change Materials, App. Phys. Rev. 8, 011404 (2021)

2. L.W.Zhang, X.L.Cai, Q.Wang, Bandwidth convertible mid-infrared absorption of one-dimensional quasi-periodic system containing Dirac semimetals, Opt. Commun. 482, 126603(2021)

3. X.L.Cai, X.T.Jia, Y.J.Liu, L.W.Zhang*, et al, Enhanced Carrier Mobility and Tunable Electronic Property in α-Tellurene monolayer via α-Tellurene and h-BN Heterostructure, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 6434(2020).

4. L.W.Zhang, W.Y.Yu, Q.Wang, et al, Electronic and hyperbolic dielectric properties ofZrS2/HfS2heterostructures, Phys. Rev. B,100, 165304(2019).

5. Q.Wang, L.W.Zhang*, Tunable narrow terahertz absorption of one-dimensional photonic crystals embedded with Dirac semimetal-dielectric defect layers, Appl. Opt. 58, 8486(2019).

6. Q.Wang, X.Wang, L.W.Zhang*, et al, Tunable defect modes of one-dimensional photonic crystals containing a Dirac semimetal-based metamaterial defect layer, Appl. Opt. 58, 94(2019).

7. X.T.Jia, P.Wu, L.W.Zhang, H.M.Tang, Basic circuit element for the implementation of base-3 and base-4 algorithms realized by an asymmetric MgO-based double-barrier magnetic tunnel junction,Phys. Rev. B, 99, 174413(2019).

8. L.W.Zhang, W.Y.Yu, J.Y.Ou, et al, Midinfrared one-dimensional photonic crystal constructed from two-dimensional electride material, Phys. Rev. B ,98, 075434(2018).

9. L.W.Zhang, X.L.Wang, W.T.Qiao, et al, Fano resonance and Rabi splitting in MDM side-coupled cavities systems, Opt. Commun. 421, 66(2018).

10. L.W.Zhang, G.D.Wang, X.Han, et al, Transmission property of one-dimensional multilayer graphene dielectric stack, Optik, 127, 2030(2016).

11. W.T.Qiao, D.Zhang, L.W.Zhang**, et al, Post-thermal annealing for enhancing photovoltaic performance of CdS/CdSe quantum dot co-sensitized TiO2 electrodes, J. Alloy.Compd.658,697(2016).

12. W.S.Wang, L.W.Zhang*, L.Shang, et al, Experimental study of band-pass filter and slow wave effect in MDM channel based on a magnetic plasmonic analogue of EIT, J. Korean Phys.Soc. 67,1544 (2015).

13. 乔文涛,龚健,张利伟*,等,梳状波导结构中石墨烯表面等离子体的传播性质,物理学报, 64, 237301(2015)

14. 龚健,张利伟*,陈亮,等,石墨烯基双曲色散特异材料的负折射与体等离子体性质,物理学报, 64, 067301(2015).

15. L.W.Zhang, L.Chen, Z.R. Zhang, et al, Extraordinary refraction and self-collimation properties of multilayer metallic-dielectric stratified structures, Physica B 457, 269(2015)

16. Z.R.Zhang, L.W.Zhang, H.Q.Li, et al, Plasmon induced transparency in a surface plasmon polariton waveguide with a comb line slot and rectangle cavity, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 231114(2014)

17. L.W.Zhang, Z.R.Zhang, C.Y.Kang, et al, Tunable bulk polaritons of graphene-based hyperbolic metamaterials, Opt. Express. 22,14022(2014).

18. Z.R.Zhang, L.W.Zhang, P.F.Yin, et al, Coupled resonator induced transparency in surface plasmon polariton gap waveguide with two side-coupled cavities, Physica B, 446,55(2014).

19. W.S.Wang, L.W.Zhang*, J.Ran, Experimental research of magnetic Plasmon polaritons in two dimensional metamaterials based on microstrip lines, Physica B, 437,24(2014).

20. L.W.Zhang, W.T.Qiao, L.Chen, et al, Double defect modes of one-dimensional dielectric photonic crystals containing a single negative material defect, Optik, 125,1354(2014).

21. L.W.Zhang, W.Y.Yu, J.Wang, et al, Self-collimation and slow light in one-dimensional quasi periodic structures containing single negative materials, Opt. Commun. 313,134(2014).

22. L.W.Zhang, Y.Zhang, X.Chen, et al, Study on the tunneling mode in a sub-wavelength open cavity resonator consisting of single negative materials, IEEE Trans. Antennas. Propagat.62, 504 (2014)

23. W.S.Wang, L.W.Zhang*, J.Ran, H.Zhao, Experimental research of the tunable magnetic plasmon polaritons waveguide filter in microwave band, Opt. Commun. 311, 201(2013)

24. L.W.Zhang, J.Wang, L.He, et al, Tunneling times in a conjugate matched pair consisting of ε-negative and μ-negative materials, Physica B, 431,127(2013)

25. W.S.Wang, L.W.Zhang, K.Fang, et al, Experimental demonstration of EIT effect in the metamaterials surface plasmon-like channel, Opt. Commun. 292, 5(2013)

26. L.W.Zhang, G.Q.Du, Y.W.Zhang, Time domain investigation of the tunneling modes in photonic heterostructure containing single negative materials, Appl. phys. A 109, 851(2012)

27. 张利伟,赵玉,等,各向异性特异材料波导中表面等离子体的共振性质,物理学报, 61, 068401(2012) .

28. L.W.Zhang, Y.W.Zhang, L.He, Y.Z.Wang, Experimental study of the tunneling modes in photonic crystal heterostructure consisting of single-negative materials, Chin. Phys.Lett.29, 064209 (2012)

29. L.W.Zhang, Y.W.Zhang, X.D.Chen, et al, Energy transport in a metamaterial subwavelength open-cavity resonator, Opt. Lett. 36, 2224(2011)

30. L.W.Zhang, Y.W.Zhang, Y.P.Yang, et al, Experimental study of Rabi-type oscillation induced by tunneling modes in effective near-zero-index metamaterials, Phys .Rev. E, 83,046604(2011)

31. L.W.Zhang, K.Fang,G.Q.Du, et al, Transmission properties of Fibonacci quasi-periodic one dimensional photonic crystals containing indefinite metamaterials, Opt. Commun. 284, 703(2011)

32. G.Q.Du, L.W.Zhang, H.T.Jiang, Broadband and omnidirectional absorption in heterostructures with a highly absorptive metallic film and a dielectric Bragg reflector, J. Appl.Phys. 109, 063525 (2011)

33. L.W.Zhang, Y.W.Zhang, Y.H.Zhao, et al, Rabi splitting induced by a metamaterial plasmoncavityOpt. Express. 18, 25052(2010).

34. L.W.Zhang, L.Yan, Y.H.Zhao, et al, The transmission properties of one-dimensional photonic crystals containing anisotropic metamaterials, Chin. Phys. Lett. 27, 064101(2010)

35. 张利伟,许静平,赫丽,等,含单负材料三明治结构的电磁隧穿特性,物理学报,59,7863(2010)

36. 张利伟,王佑贞,赫丽,等,基于传输线的单负材料双层结构的隧穿性质,物理学报, 59, 6106(2010)

37. L.W.Zhang, G.Q.Du, J.P.Xu, et al, Double-channeled omnidirectional filtering properties of the sandwich structures composed of single-negative materials, Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 47,10501(2009)

38. L.W.Zhang, Y.W.Zhang, L.He, et al, Non-Bragg bandgaps of quasi-one-dimensional comblikestructures composed of positive and negative index materials, Eur. Phys.J. D. 55, 155(2009)

39. L.W.Zhang, Y.W.Zhang, L.He, et al, Experimental investigation on zero-Øeff gaps of photonic crystals containing single-negative materials. Eur. Phys.J. B 62,1(2008).

40. L.W.Zhang, Z.G.Wang, et al, Experimental study of quasi-one-dimensional comb-like photonic crystals containing metamaterials. Opt. Commun. 281, 3681(2008).

41. L.W.Zhang, Y.W.Zhang, Y.P.Yang, et al, Experimental observation of Rabi splitting in effective (near) zero-index media in microwave regime, Phys .Rev. E, 78, R035601(2008).

42. L.W.Zhang, Y.W.Zhang, L.He, et al, Zero-n gaps of photonic crystals consisting of positive and negative index materials in microstrip transmission lines. J. Phys D: Appl. Phys. 40, 2579(2007).

43. L.W.Zhang, Y.W.Zhang, L.He, et al, Experimental study of photonic crystals consisting of ε-negative and μ-negative materials. Phys .Rev. E, 74,056615(2006).
